Artwork for The Nicest Guy in Rock & Roll is Missing
Andrea Reid was working on a documentary on her friend when she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, since the film is already a personal story, she decided to make a podcast about her filmmaking/cancer journey. The Nicest Guy in Rock & Roll is Scott Cushnie, an incredible piano player who performed with Aerosmith, Robbie Robertson, Ronnie Hawkins, & Duane Allman, and created his own bands. Andrea reported Scott missing in August of 2018, the search lasted over six weeks and ended under the most bizarre circumstances. To find out more about the film and the music in this podcast go to
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

The Nicest Guy in Rock & Roll is Missing

Andrea Reid was working on a documentary on her friend when she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, since the film is already a personal story, she decided to make a podcast about her filmmaking/cancer journey. The Nicest Guy in Rock & Roll is Scott Cushnie, an incredible piano player who performed with Aerosmith, Robbie Robertson, Ronnie Hawkins, & Duane Allman, and created his own bands. Andrea reported Scott missing in August of 2018, the search lasted over six weeks and ended under the most bizarre circumstances. To find out more about the film and the music in this podcast go to
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo